Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day 2010

Today, Tuesday, November 2, 2010 is Election Day in the United States.  I live in a state which has experienced voter fraud.  Nevada has had a slew of deceased voters return for one last hurrah.  How ghoulish, and even appropriate for an election following so closely after Halloween.  This is still a democratic society, if I have anything to do with it, and I encourage people to do two things at this very point in time: know what you want, and act upon it.  I know many who simply "don't follow politics," and others who vote like their parents.  Either way, someone else is making the decision.  I'm of sound mind, one I believe God gave to me to use, and prefer to exercise independent thought.  I prefer to think critically.  Where once I was in love with ideas, now I am more interested in action, in implementation.  Something may sound great, but how does it become a reality?  Does it work, once it's out there?  Agree or disagree with me; I wish we'd part ways as friends.  I learned long ago how to connect with people, following an angsty adolescence in which I actually hated my fellow man.  Please, know that hate is a terrible waste of time and a pain in the heart.  Find common ground.  I do reserve special hate for terrorists, for those who will never hear reason and are bent upon the destruction of innocents.  But we are a nation of many different peoples, races, creeds, religions, and ideas.  Can we come together as Americans, or are we too interested in serving ourselves?  This is a government created to be of the people, by the people, and for the people.  I still believe in the Constitution, now more than ever, and hope that our country can be a beacon of hope for a long time to come. 

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