Tuesday, June 22, 2010

patriotism and family pride

Francis Marion inviting a British officer to share his dinner.  This painting hangs on the 3rd floor of Congress.

This is where it all began, folks.  Memorial Day inspired me to read a little about the famous patriot in my family, Brigadier General Francis Marion.  Just who was this guy?  He's the George Washington of the South, born the same year, 1732.  The son of 1st generation French Huguenot colonists, Francis has been described by a biographer as "something like a sandwich- a highly spiced center between two slabs of rather dry bread."  He is my great uncle, whose story has been romanticized moreso than any other Revolutionary War hero, to include the Rambo version portrayed by Mel Gibson in the 2000 film The Patriothttp://www.sonypictures.com/homevideo/thepatriot/  I lived 2 blocks from Gibson's rental house during filming, no kiddin! 

I was interested in separating the man from the myth, Francis from THE SWAMP FOX, and in so doing, I became aware of just how woven into the fabric of the founding of the United States I am.  I can't get enough of this man-sandwich, and how delicious the freedom we enjoy thanks to people like him, and so I have embarked on what I've named "The Sandwich Journey."  Stick around.


  1. Love the quote, your concept and most especially the blog name for the beginning of your thoughts and written words! Keep up the great work ;-)

  2. thank you, i'm having a blast!

  3. Job Marion is my 4x ggrandfather (so hello cousin) - My research says that Ben and Judith Baleut Marion are Francis and Job's grandparents and Gabriel and Ester Cordes are parents....many citations a such.

    1. Ann, I've not been on this blog in years and am very flattered to have your attention. My gf Sara is descended from Francis Marion's mother's side, the Cordes.
